Sunday, November 14, 2010

what I saw in SAW

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!  Huaaaarrgghhh!! Buekkkkkkkkk!! Perrrgghhhh!! Huisshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Nooooooooooooooooooo!! Pheeeeeeewwwwwwww!! Huuuhuuuhuuu!! Errrkkkkk!! Maakk aiihhhhh!! Whoooooaaaa!! Euwww!!

Ermm... So many expressions when in comes to watching SAW. I watched with some of my friends and it was terrible dreadful fearful ghastly formidable tremendous thrilled adrenaline pumping yet AWESOME! Hehe.. Way to go James Wan for the great movie. 

This is Bame, one of my SAW 'partners'. I'm sweet jigsaw. Hehe.. Gmbr hiasan semata2 =)

But what do people get after watching the movie?? If only i could read their minds. Or maybe some were not thinking about it at all. Just screaming, eating popcorns, crying, jumping, enjoying the show and then leave the cinema hall without any thought or at least get some 'ibrah' from the movie. And they pay for nothing. Yea right, they pay for some excitement maybe. Hoho.

Actually the director try to make people think the consequences of what they did. I guess laa besides highlighting the extreme horror, terrific and huekk scenes. It reminds me of yazid -my cousin's saying "lalai sesaat, menyesal seumur hidup". Huhuhu. He's right! Menyesal seumur hidup doesn't mean hidup di dunia only but instead the eternal one, the hereafter. 

Every single deed of ours will be written by the angles Roqib and 'Atid and we'll pay for it. Sebagaimana nasihat Luqman kepada anaknya : "hai anakku! Sesungguhnya jika ada (amal engkau) seberat biji sawi dan ada (tersembunyi) dalam batu, di langit atau di bumi, itu akan dikemukakan oleh Allah dan Allah itu Halus (mengerti hal yang halus) dan Cukup Tahu.”

As for me, i perceived this movie as gambaran akhirat. Many might not realize it, even the director James Wan himself. Hehe

People hurt themselves, they have no choice but dying. No options. No way out. Just bear it. This is what you get when you did this and that. Rasakan! This might be how HELL treat us for what we did (no Jigsaw of course). But even worse! We'll keep hurting ourselves over and over again, eternally. Nauzubillahi min zalik. 

Everyone knows the consequences but we never try to do 'things' that will save us from the hellfire. Allah already show us the way, the Holy Quran as the guidance. But we went astray. Astagfirullah. Selagi pintu taubat masih terbuka, it's never too late. 

Aishhh. Ni gi tgk movie ni ghano tau. *kene pakse* Huhu.The good thing is xdop org pon dlm cinema hall. Only kami2 because the movie is in english and org2 cni don't watch movies in english. heee~But still I won't go anymore.

"Ya Rabbi, give me the strength, guide me every second and never me let go astray. Ameen"